
Further research about Unité D’habitation/ Le Corbusier

Here’s a very nicely drawn and coloured cross-section. It tells us what we already knew about the apartments interlocking around the access corridors to ensure said cross-ventilation – for the bedrooms at least. The kitchens and the guest toilet need ventilation the most and are located precisely where the airflow is worst.

- http://seed-s.tumblr.com/post/2110304572/unite-d-habitation-le-corbusier-1952

Now let’s have a look at these famous interlocking apartment plans of the grand Corbster. The plans and photographs of apartments that you might have seen, are of the apartments shaded darker in the plans and section below. With these, you enter into the kitchen/dining living room that has a double-height space overlooked by the main bedroom. This is a good arrangement and is often repeated in single-aspect one-bedroom apartments.

- http://www.studyblue.com/#flashcard/view

- http://www.bdonline.co.uk/buildings/inspirations/cany-ash’s-inspiration-unité-d’habitation-france/5028652.article
- http://www.heathershimmin.com/le-corbusier
- http://archidialog.com/2011/11/28/
- http://www.domusweb.it/en/from-the-archive.html
- http://www.architakes.com/?p=1687

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